Members of the Walkerburn Community Council
Mr Peter L Waller (Chairman) |
Lindowan, Peebles Road |
079260623968 |
peterwaller60@yahoo.co.uk |
Ms Mary Daykin (Vice Chair) |
3 Park Avenue |
01896 870471 |
marydaykin7@gmail.com |
Mrs Sheila
E Horsburgh
Station Cottage |
01896 870438 |
sheila.horsburgh@sky.com |
Gillian Jones |
10 High Cottages |
gillyjones10@gmail.com |
Colin Kerr |
Auld Mill Lade
Caberston Road |
01896 870670 |
cjkerr66@gmail.com |
Patricia Purves (Co-opted) Assistant Secretary |
Glenmead |
01896 870447 |
mail@purves-glenmead.uk |
Ms Shani
Sedgwick |
Fern Cottage, 4 High Cottages |
07912 434958 |
shanisedgewick@yahoo.co.uk |
Mr G
Thornton (Treasurer and minute secretary) |
35 Peebles Road |
01896 870251 |
geoles2@tiscali.co.uk |
Mrs L Thornton (Secretary) |
35 Peebles Road |
01896 870251 |
wccsecretary@walkerburn.com |
Mr M Wilcox (Contact for
Scawd Law Windfarm proposal) |
Juniperbank |
07771 618871 |
wdccscawdlaw@gmail.com |
Meetings Schedule 2024
Third Wednesday in every month at 7.00pm in
Walkerburn Public Hall
17 January, 21 February,
20 March, 17 April, 15 May,
19 June (AGM),
17 July, 21 August (if urgent
business), 18 September, 16 October,
20 November, 18 December ((if
urgent business)
Links to information about the
proposed Scawd Law wind farm development
1 Information about Scawd Law proposal
2 General information on wind farms
3 More sources of information about wind farms
Walkerburn and District Community
Council have been receiving briefs from Fred Olsen’s agents and
other Community Councils about the Scawd Law Windfarm proposal.
Given that COP 26 is in progress, we thought it might be helpful
to summarise the current position as we see it – a planning
application is imminent and it is important that residents are
kept informed.
Please click here to read a summary of the implications for the
Council minutes
Minutes of Community Council
meetings can be found by clicking on this text